Sunday, December 8, 2013

DEC 2013 My HTML5 Builder Questions

Embarcadero are at YOW Brisbane.
I will corner them with a few questions.

1. Does the user interface have a zoom function.
Can I zoom in to look at some of my screen design in finer detail?

2. Demo - What file opens why
 start>Programs>HTML5 Builder>Demos>
This opens a directory
C:\Users\Public\Documents\HTML5 Builder\5.0\Demos\ComboBox
Once again I face an issue / concern.
Logically I would have thought that double clicking on the project file would open the project but all it opens is the readme file.

So I try double clicking on index.php  and that opens the project
This seems odd?



  1. Hi.
    How are you doing? If you didn't hear about it, the blog next door has many, many posts about HTML5 Builder, such as -

    Contact us at the blog link below:

  2. Html5Builder is the worst i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I have studied for 3 months this so called radip tool for PHP and javascript HTML5BUILDER, but i have never soon such a badly documented product, not to speak about the many bugs in Html5Builder. What a crap!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Can you email us at:

    delphihaters AT gmail DOT com

    Would you like your complains get more attention?

  5. Here's a tip for you:

    The new and the main website uses Joomla and MySQL.

    That tells you how much Embarcadero does with their own products. They sell you something you cannot use, their own website uses free PHP product which their own tool cannot develop with or make use of.
